My Constitution

James Keener's Constitution

Behind The Mic

James Keener - Maker Of Kings

James Keener

King Maker, Global Entrepreneur

My Constitution

I will treat you the way that you want to be treated.

I will seek to fully understand your point of view before
expecting you to understand mine.

I accept full responsibility for myself, my life, my family,
my financial situation, and everything that happens to me.

I understand that I am not entitled to be successful, and I am not owed anything.

I understand that all great things attained, are a product of great efforts and sacrifice.

I value teamwork, honesty and integrity but most of all loyalty.

I am a completely free, proud and self-reliant person that looks to myself for the answers to my questions and to myself for solutions to my problems.

I understand that I am a product of my own choices, and I will suffer privately the consequences for those choices.

I am a complete optimist, I look for the good in every situation.

I seek to learn from my mistakes and not repeat them. I promise to share what I have learned.

I seek and understand change and the opportunity to grow that change brings.

I think about my goals and how I can achieve them most of the time.

I focus on the solution rather than the problem.

I am not a victim, I refuse to complain, condemn or criticize.

If I am not happy with a situation then I take action to change it.

I blame no one for any aspect of my life.

I offer only candid constructive criticism and critiques not degrading put downs.

I recognize that there is a fair and full price that must be paid for anything worthwhile.

I do not try to get something for nothing nor will I accept something for nothing.

I do not support any policy, process or person that attempts to give me, or anyone else anything to which I or they are not justly entitled to as a result of personal hard work and sacrifice.

I am a successful person, I am grateful and thankful for my life and my opportunities.

I will exude an attitude of gratitude towards everyone and everything.

I will lead, I will follow, or I will get out of the way.

This is my constitution,

James Keener